In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children
In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children
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Quotes from Cancer Surviviors
In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children

"I loved the illustrations because the colors were bright and I liked that there were no sad faces or expressions. From cover to end it was just very positive."

- D.C.
Cancer Survivor

"I think the first think it does is something that would help all children... the part about 'Am I going to get it?'"

- Colette Mawhinney
Breast Cancer Survivor

In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children
In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children
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In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children
In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children  
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In Mommy's Garden

In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children
English Version

Single Book Price: $10.95
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En el Jardín de Mi Mamá - Un Libro para Niños Sobre la Explicación de Cáncer
Español/Spanish Version
Translated by: María A. Franco de Gómez
Single Book Price: $12.95
Select Quantity (includes USPS Shipping Cost)*

* The number of books selected on this order form will be added to your shopping cart as a single set of books. The quantity of the sets added will be displayed in your shopping cart. For example, a selection of 3 books from the order form will be displayed as a quantity of 1 set of 3 books in the shopping cart.

In Mommy's Garden - A Book to Help Explain Cancer to Young Children

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