Neyal J. Ammary-Risch, MPH, MCHES
Neyal was first introduced to cancer as a young child when her friend's mother passed away. Being so young, she didn't really know what cancer was. No one really talked about it, and she only knew her friend's mom was sick. As she got older, she became more aware of how many people's lives are affected by cancer each day, including young people who have a parent or loved one with cancer and those who are diagnosed themselves.
A significant portion of Neyal's graduate studies and research in Behavioral and Community Health Sciences and Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh was spent on addressing chronic diseases and health disparities, particularly in cancer. Her thesis research focused on addressing psychosocial issues of young children who have a parent with cancer, which led to the creation of In Mommy's Garden after realizing how few resources were available to help families talk about cancer with young children. It was also during this time that she was set up on a blind date with an artist -- one who would help illustrate the book and later become her husband.
A Master Certified Health Education Specialist and professional public health educator, Neyal currently lives in Washington D.C. with her family, and continues to be passionate about health promotion, science communication, and health disparities.
Christopher Risch
Chris has been an art director, designer, and illustrator for over 28 years, and founded Canyon Beach Visual Communications in spring of 2001. Prior to Canyon Beach, Chris worked for several interactive design agencies in the Washington D.C. and Philadelphia metro areas, contributing to over 150 websites and interactive media projects. In addition to digital work, Chris is also an accomplished print designer and illustrator, with clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small local businesses and organizations.
Some of his creative influences include various artists from the renaissance period to Norman Rockwell to cartoonists such as Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes) and Gary Larson (The Far Side).
Working with Neyal, Chris created the illustrations for In Mommy's Garden to be as universal and simple as possible, so parents and educators, from all races and backgrounds, can ease the fears and help bring a simple and straight-forward understanding of cancer to young children.
Chris was 12 when his grandmother died of stomach cancer, and later other close relatives, including his grandfather and aunt also battled the disease but survived. So Chris has seen the effects cancer can have on family and friends, and is happy to be able to help make the experience a less scary one for others of all ages.